Child Protection Education

Identifying and responding to child abuse are essential skills for people who work with children and young people.  The way in which an adult responds to a child experiencing harm can have a lasting impact on their recovery.

Our facilitators share sector experience to build the capacity of participants to identify and respond to child abuse and neglect.

Our Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting workshop includes:

  • Defining physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and sexual abuse.
  • Examples and possible signs of child abuse.
  • Responding to disclosures of abuse.
  • Grooming behaviours in child sexual abuse.
  • Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse.
  • Department of Communities Mandatory Reporting system.

Our Grooming in Child Sexual Abuse workshop content includes:

  • Defining child sexual abuse.
  • Child sexual abuse offender motivation.
  • Defining and contextualising grooming in child sexual abuse.

Our training meets requirements for:

Child Protection, Mandatory Reporting and Grooming  training is recommended for governing body members, staff, and volunteers in:

  • Schools (primary and secondary) and boarding facilities
  • Clubs and community organisations
  • Child health services
  • Churches and other faith-based organisations

For more information and pricing download our service brochure or book now by completing our Booking Form